Adding plants to your bathroom has multiple benefits as: they clean the air of the space, they are an element that beautifies the space and cheers you up and they give colour! Below are 5 options to help you choose the right one for you.
- Fern: the beloved fern is an affordable and excellent choice for your bathroom as it loves moisture. While direct sunlight exposure doesn’t help it thrive, you’ll need to place it in a spot where it has access to indirect lighting. You can spray its leaves with water when there is not enough available moisture in the room. It will definitely reward you with its lush foliage!
- Swordleaf: is a plant that is an excellent air purifier and at the same time, under the right lighting conditions, it will also give you beautiful white flowers. It loves water and a warm environment.
- Desire: a climbing evergreen plant that will fit perfectly in a smaller bathroom. Place it on a shelf with access to indirect light and let it beautify your space! If you want, you can use some sort of frame or support to help it grow in the direction you want it to go.
- Ivy: similar option to the previous one with low maintenance requirements. It is easily placed in a high spot so that its shoots can hang down – you could try some metal wall brackets or a basket to cover its pot. It loves humidity and semi-shaded places.
- Orchid: it’s a classic choice but will need a different approach to its care. You’ll need the right substrate as well as a bright spot in your bathroom if you want to see it bloom and give you gorgeous colours!