5 mistakes you should avoid for better bathroom hygiene

Did you know that there are small habits when using the bathroom that can contribute negatively to the hygiene of our space and our personal belongings? Check out some of them below:

  1. Placing towels on hangers near or above the bathroom sink. Bacteria from the bathroom sink can be transferred to the towels you are wiping yourself with, so it’s a good idea to hang them or store them in another area of the room.
  2. Don’t close the toilet lid before flushing the toilet. Every time you flush with the toilet lid open, what you are doing is spreading various bacteria more easily throughout the room and your personal belongings.
  3. You don’t often open the window or vent. A room that has water vapor and general humidity needs to be ventilated regularly to avoid mold growth and also to avoid damage to your walls.
  4. You don’t clean your sanitary ware at least once a week. For ultimate cleanliness and safety, make it a part of your schedule to clean your bathroom at least once a week. It doesn’t have to be thorough, you can just go over the various items with a cloth and a disinfectant spray.
  5. You leave the toilet paper on everything but the special base. In addition to storing the paper properly, placing it in a clean and dry place during use also plays a role. This way you avoid any contamination.




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