Say goodbye to Pana: A Guide for Parents and Children

Transitioning from diaper to toilet is a big step for any child, and for parents it can seem a little stressful. But don’t worry! Every child has their own rhythm, and this process can be much easier and more fun than you might imagine. Here are some tips that may help you.

  1. Let the child be ready.
    There is no “right” age for a child to begin toilet training. Watch for signs of readiness: if the child stays dry for hours or shows interest in using the toilet, then it’s the right time! Don’t rush the child, because when they are ready, the process will be much easier.
  2. Create a positive atmosphere around the toilet.
    Make toileting something exciting! Use books or toys with a toilet theme so that the child can associate this process with something fun. And why not? Let him choose his own toilet paper with happy designs or characters!
  3. Go step by step.
    You don’t have to cut the diaper from one day to the next. Start with toileting during the day and only keep the diaper for the night if the child needs it. The gradual change helps him to adjust more easily and understand the concept of toileting without stress.
  4. Teach the child how to use the toilet paper.
    Don’t forget that proper cleaning is just as important! Explain in simple terms how to use toilet paper and why it is important to do it correctly. You can even make it more fun by making it like a game to encourage them to happily participate.
  5. Patience and encouragement!
    No need to rush. If the child makes a mistake, don’t let them down! Encourage him constantly for every step he takes in the right direction. And don’t forget the little rewards – it can be a thumbs up, a hug or anything else he or she likes for every success!




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